#cat /proc/meminfo | grep SwapTotal
SwapTotal: 9233400 kB
Create a swap file
To create swap file, you will need to use dd command:#dd if=/dev/zero of=/newswap bs=1024 count=1048576
if=/dev/zero - read from /dev/zero
of=/newswap - write to /newswap
bs=1024 - blocksize in bytes for reading and writing
count=1048576 - swap file size
Create swap area
Type the following command to set up a Linux swap area in a file.#mkswap /newswapSet permissions for the file, so only the root user can use it:
#chmod 0600 /newswap
#chown root:root /newswap
Acticate swap
Next, we should activate the swap file:#swapon /newswapAt the end, we want the new swap file to be active after reboot and we should add it in fstab file:
#nano /etc/fstabadd the following line at the end of the file:
/newswap swap swap defaults 0 0
Now check if swap is activated or not:
#cat /proc/meminfo | grep SwapTotalor
#free -m
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